Monday, 30 October 2017

Halloween Safety Tips from Citiguard Security Guard Company

With Halloween activities fast approaching, Citiguard Security Guard Company wants to urge everyone to make safety a top priority this Halloween.

As Trick-or-Treaters take to the streets and neighborhoods, parents and guardians should remain vigilant for possible hazardous or dangerous situations. To make sure that your Halloween is a safe and memorable day for everyone, Citiguard Security Guard Company recommends following safety tips:
1.    Ensure that your child carries a flashlight or glow stick and/or wears something reflective to alert drivers of the child’s location.
2.  Masks can restrict vision and breathing, face painting is a safe option.
3.  Costumes should fit children correctly and not drag the ground, which could create a tripping hazard.
4.  Children should be accompanied by adults/parents and should not be allowed to enter homes or vehicles without their supervision.
5.  Plan your trick-or-treating route in familiar neighborhoods with well-lit streets.
6.  Always walk on sidewalks when available. If walking on the street is necessary, pedestrians should walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.
7.  Children should also know their address, phone number, and how to dial 911 for emergencies. Young children should have this information attached somewhere on their costume in the event they get separated or lost.
8.  Parents are urged to inspect all candy for safety after returning home.
9.  Never walk near lit candles or luminaries. Be sure to wear flame-resistant costumes.
10. Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers.

Motorists should also use caution this Halloween weekend. With all the trick or treating excitement, children may inadvertently dart across the street into the path of moving vehicles. Because of this, motorists are being asked to not only drive with extreme caution, but also to drive extra slow in neighborhoods and residential areas. By driving with headlights on during daylight hours, children, as well as other vehicles, are more likely to see them from greater distances.

Citizens are encouraged to review the list of registered sex offenders living near their neighborhood. The mapping and address feature found on the website pinpoints exactly where an offender lives, therefore, educating citizens on which houses to avoid while trick-or-treating.

Under current State Law, it is illegal for a registered sex offender to participate in Halloween trick or treat activities. If you become aware of a sex offender who is attending costume parties where children are present or giving out candy, notify your local law enforcement immediately.

Citiguard Security Guard Company wishes everyone a safe and festive Halloween.


Friday, 13 October 2017

Lessons from Las Vegas can prevent future attacks, security expert says

When something like shooting in Las Vegas happens, inevitably there are a number of questions about what could have been done to prevent such a tragedy.
Security companies, for their part, are already speculating about how security at big events may change.
Citiguard’s security experts also believe that mass shootings like this can be prevented with proper planning.
As a security guard company for everything from the Shopping Centers to the Super Bowl, Citiguard studies mass shootings like the tragedy in Las Vegas. There is no venue, indoor or outdoor, can have 100 percent security, however expanding security beyond the physical perimeter could minimize the potential for violence.
Hotel security guards likely had opportunity to intervene had they been properly integrated in the security plan and trained on what to look for as far as specific suspicion indicators which would force them take action.
Stephen Paddock had no previous contacts with police and appears to have planned the attack on his own, it would have been difficult for law enforcement to identify him as a threat before the shooting, but hotel security services may have had a chance in the days or weeks leading up to the attack.
The Las Vegas shooting will force security consultants and event planners to try and prevent this particular method of attack, and learning from the red flags will be the best way to prevent similar mass shootings in the future.

Focus on the human, identifying the perpetrator and stopping him before the attack is carried out, that is Citiguard’s goal and the true prevention. 




Thursday, 31 August 2017

Back to School Safety Tips

Back-to-school does not have to mean back-to-worrying. Though safety inside school is ultimately the responsibility of the principal and school staff, parents can take a few basic steps to ensure a safe school experience. These are recommended by the National Association of Elementary School Principals:
Learn the school’s emergency procedures. Emergency plans and phone  numbers are usually included in school handbooks and posted in classrooms. Taking  a few extra minutes to familiarize yourself and your child with emergency information can  give him the confidence he needs to act quickly in emergency situations.
Know travel routes to and from the school. Make sure you and your child know both primary and alternate routes. In an emergency, roads can be blocked and it’s important to have a backup plan.
Know and follow school security and safety measures. These might include signing in when visiting the school, being escorted when walking through the building, or wearing a visitor pass. Following these procedures also sets a great example for your kids.
Talk with your child about safety. Be specific. Talk about instinct and paying attention to funny feelings of fear. Explain what to do if she doesn’t feel safe (find a teacher, call 911, etc.). Make sure she knows how to contact you or a trusted neighbor who is likely to be at home.
Inform school staff about health and emotional concerns. Whether your child has a food allergy, a physical disability, or has been subject to bullying, make sure to keep your child’s teachers and principal in the loop.
Get involved. Talk with the principal about what you can do to increase school safety, such as organizing parents to form a neighborhood watch before and after school. Sometimes parent groups are highly successful in making improvements in traffic safety during drop off and pick up times.                        Source: Parent and Child Magazine
For the last schoolsafety tip, parents should make sure children have backpacks that have sturdy, padded straps, and are never more than 10% of their body weight, according to American Occupational Therapy Association, as heavy backpacks can cause shoulder and back pain.
Citiguard hopes you’ll share these tips with your family and friends.  Our team works hard every day to assure the security and safety of our clients and their properties. 

Call Citiguard today to set up your free security services assessment and consultation. 


The 6 Essential Roles and Responsibilities of Security Guards

All securityguard companies are NOT equal. Only Citiguard’s premier officers provide the following responsibilities and vital performance benefits.

Citiguard’s security officer role is to first and foremost PROTECT the people and property of our clients. The major duty and responsibility of our security officers is prevention BEFORE an incident/offense occurs. Citiguard takes immense pride in its historical accomplishment of absences of incidents, offenses and crimes in distinguishing its superior security presence.

Citiguard security officers remain consistently visible as a dynamic deterrent to would-be offenders and criminals who are poised to commit an illegal offense, thus effectively thwarting potential damages, thievery, and injuries.

Citiguard security officers maintain an ever alert watchfulness for abnormal and threatening activities, which is a critical asset in affording complete PREVENTION.

Observe and Report
A Citiguard security officer’s responsibility DURING or AFTER an incident/offense has occurred is to OBSERVE and REPORT. If an offense occurs, our security guard will immediately:
           Maintain a professional composure.
           Observe and remember events.
           Report to the police/or the security guard’s supervisor (following employer’s policy).

Getting Help
During dangerous situations, such as robbery, burglary, or assault with a deadly weapon, your Citiguard security guard will help to apprehend the suspect by immediately calling the police. Even the police, who are trained to apprehend criminals, are encouraged to call for help in dangerous situations.

Customized Security Responsibilities
Citiguardsecurity guards can be invested with the addition of special responsibilities that the client may request. These, for example, may include:

           Requiring employees to show their badges when entering the property.

           Monitoring safety standards and reporting hazards; blocked exits, fire safety, etc.

Call Citiguard today to set up your free security services assessment and consultation. 


Why you should choose Citiguard.

  • Security protection managers at Citiguard have over 50 years of experience.
  • Citiguard employs the most qualified security officers, hiring only the best of those who apply.
  • Field security supervisors have over 15 years of experience.
  • Field security supervisors visit our customer sites for both scheduled and random quality inspections at least twice in an 8 hour shift.
  • Citiguard security consultants operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in providing full assistance in a timely manner and decision making--no matter what time of the day or night.
  • Citiguard provides all of our valued clients with the CitTrac’s monitoring and reporting.
  • Citgurard’s   security guards are licensed for Power to Arrest, baton, pepper spray, firearms and CPR/first aid.
  • Citiguard provides marked vehicle patrol and/or golf carts for larger areas or multiple facilities located in different areas and segway.
  • Citiguard tailors customized post orders for every location.
  • Citiguard exceeds the minimum state required limits in Liability Insurance and Worker’s           Compensation Insurance.
  • Citiguard guarantees the best quality security service at the most competitive rates.

  The Citiguard Security Approach.

Citiguard’s devoted mission is to meet all of our clients’ specific and unique security needs and challenges by providing solutions, tailoring our services to perfectly fit said needs and to employ the most ethical, responsible and highly trained security guards in the industry. In addition, our extensive Citiguard management support system guarantees that our clients receive prompt attention and responsiveness from both branch and corporate management staff. 

Contact Citiguard to set up your free security services consultation today to discuss protecting your assets with one of our knowledgeable security protection consultants.




Friday, 7 July 2017

Wishing you a safe and happy Independence Day!

The big nation's pride and success are given our salute, Wish you
Happy Fourth of July!
Thanks for doing business with us.


Parking Lot Safety Tips

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, parking lots are the third most common place where crimes occur with nearly 1,400 violent crimes committed each day.

The most frequent crime in parking lots is theft or vandalism, but victims are also vulnerable to more violent crimes such as robbery and assault.

To help prevent becoming a victim of parking lot crime, Citiguard suggesting these safety tips:

  •           Keep your car in good running condition. Make sure there’s enough gas to get where you’re going and back.
  •             Have your keys ready before getting into your vehicle.
  •             Check inside and out before getting in the vehicle.
  •             Lock the doors immediately upon entering your vehicle.   
  •            Always roll up the windows and lock car doors when leaving your vehicle, even if you’re coming right back.
  •            Avoid parking in isolated areas.
  •            Be especially alert in parking lots and underground parking garages 
  •            Park in well lit areas.
  •            If you think someone is following you home, drive to the nearest police or fire station, gas station or other open business to get help.
  •            If your vehicle breaks down, call for help on the cell phone, lock all windows and doors on the vehicle and don’t open the vehicle for anyone until help arrives.
  •            Never leave your credit cards or other important papers in the glove compartment.
  •            Never leave any objects in plain view. Lock all valuables in the trunk and do so before reaching your final destination if at all possible to avoid observation of any would-be thieves who might take notice.
  •            Do not mark your key chain with your name, address, and license number. Lost keys can lead a thief to your car or home.
  •            Do not leave your house and car keys together with an attendant at a public parking lot. Your house key can be quickly duplicated and your address obtained from your plate number.
  •            Never pick up hitchhikers.

Parking facilities are places where people are vulnerable to crime, but by following these tips from Citiguard Security Guard Company and remaining vigilant, people can help ensure their safety.

We are specialists in providing the security services that you
need to be able to focus your energy upon your business.