Friday, 2 August 2019

What a security officer will cost to protect my facility?

We wish there was a simple reply in answering the question we are often asked: “Can you tell me what a security officer will cost to protect my facility?”

When choosing a security vendor, the more important question to ask is: “What are the costs to my organization if my security vendor fails to provide a properly trained security officer; or someone who is not the right fit for my property; or who does not exhibit the dedication and competency to deter malicious activity on my property?” Citiguard prides itself on not being a minimum wage, cheap-rate company. This means we recognize the indisputable reality of “You get what you pay for.” We are keenly aware of the importance of a dollar well spent to ensure that your security budget is spent efficiently in the investment of true security peace of mind that is afforded by our well respected security officers that provide top-notch service.

At Citiguard, we have answered the questions above by implementing a comprehensive security officer competency program and supervisory staff that
ensures our security officers are unsurpassed in guaranteeing that our clients always GET WHAT THEY PAY FOR.

Call today to schedule your free assessment: 


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